Book: The Long Road Home

2:57:00 pm

This will be my second book review after ehemm The Fifty Shades of Grey. Currently I'm reading The Long Road Home written none other than New York Time Bestseller Ms. Danielle Steele. I first read this when I was 15 years old (back in 1999). Found the book and borrowed it from the State Library (yes the one next to the State Court, the building has since closed). The following is the paperback version of the book:

You can read the summary here

I give the book a 5 out 5. I just love how Ms. Steel managed to write in details and vividly particularly on the abusive scene. When I was 15 I can read and consume all the details, now that I am a mother, I couldn't actually read throughout the page where Gabriella was abused by her maternal mother. I was cursing all the way. I hated, despised Eloise the mother who was supposed to protect and love her. Eloise character made a very big impact to me as a mother. The thought of having to hate, hit and blame your daughter for the failed marriage baffles me. The father did less to help Gabriella overcome her mother's monstrous actions. While reading, I kept imagining if I was there, in the scene somewhere trying to protect Gabriella. 

I honestly think I can relate to the story particularly when Gabriella reached adulthood. When she was in the convent, she was made to think it was her destiny to be a nun. Because she felt comfortable and safe in there. She didn't receive the love and care that she was supposed to get from her parents. In her most fragile state, she fell in love with a father, pregnant, the father committed suicide, had a miscarriage and left alone to face the burden of the consequences. 

When we are at our most comfortable and safe place we tend not to go out and take any risks. Most of us would think that its the best choice. Trust me, it's not. It is the most fragile moment of all. We didn't get to teach ourselves about life about taking risk about how to handle situation. Hence, we fell into temptation and made bad choices in life. Go out, take risks don't be afraid of taking chances. These things in life will make you stronger. Sometimes it took us a while to really move on and rise again but we will eventually if we persevere just like Gabriella. 

Till the next post,

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